of casual day looks
pink teenage girls
support group transplant
my mother, father, sister, aunt
of Tuzla
they know more about these things
how it all intermingles in this giant pile of tumult and decay
that nobody can escape
soft feeling things, the sound of wind in trees
Niagara Falls
blasts of hairspray
they reach the surface a bit slower
how the horse on my chest i'm fearful of
is just motes of dust
the sound of ice breaking is my chest
making gown
an entire diving season has passed us by
the babes have crawled to the ends of our backs
when the weather is sweaty you'll probably find
a moth a neighboring angel or princess
completely loyal to the unknown
when i was in limbo you baked an apple
when the whole mountain broke inside of the elk
a palm tree grew off the back of my hand
eruption in two places
ping pong balls carrying buckets
fed the blood to a wall in the house
how much of one thing will fit in another thing
my insides shout
too sad to wash sugar
senior dogs bathe me in the shadow of my uncle's F--K table
and nothing looks very similar to everything
instead of running away to the lakeshore
i do everything to remain all my life there
how elastic loneliness is a flat circle
blinks and becomes a sunflower
without the disturbing feeling of a sudden self-awareness
why the soul of the pizza delivery boy this quartz contains
dies on my neck
as soon as opportunity arrives